Dar-Pol, the Company began at the beginning of the ‘80s specialising in the Retail trade of polish handicrafts, and expanded to wholesale in 1991. Thanks to our polish routes and our many contacts in Poland and United Kingdom, our company has a wide range of polish products to offer. Using our experienced supplier networks in Poland on a regular basis, special lines and individual customer requirements can be easily catered for.


In 2004 when Poland Joined the European Union it allowed legally for polish workers to work in the U.K. At this point Dar-Pol Recruitment Agency began providing recruitment help for the Polish who came to England.

We also in 2004 we opened a hotel-The Eagle Guest House /Hotel which has developed large interest initially for the polish when they first came to Blackpool but now also for tourists visiting. Now due to the shortage of accommodation available we formed our newest company Joanna Property Management. Again initially its aim was to help provide accommodation for the polish planning to stay in Blackpool, but now we also let numerous flats and properties to the English residents too.

In July 2006 Dar-Pol we were the first in Blackpool to open a Polish Delicatessen. Then in October 2007 we expanded further and opened bakery. This allowed our customers to buy fresh bread and cakes produced in Poland. Our high quality and reasonable priced imported products won over not only the Polish community in Blackpool but also its English residents too.


Additionally our company started to invest in the building trade, completing small redecoration work initially, which now have turned into big renovation contracts. Thanks to the favourable conditions on the local building market, qualified workers and our reliability, Dar-Pol Building Specialists Limited is forever increasing arousing interest among clients.

In the course of time, we became a centre of help for recruitment, accommodation and also Legal Advice. At the present we are proud to say that we are well known among Blackpool residents also. Thanks to this we have been able to widen our business.

Our company is dynamically growing, and is forever bravely seeking new business ventures. Recently we have bought a cargo Lorry with the facility to hold frozen and fresh products, and so can start to export and import groceries and other goods between Poland and United Kingdom.


We specialize in the closely connected businesses named below:

-Dar-Pol Recruitment Agency
-Dar-Pol Building Specialists Limited
-Britpol Property Management
-Polish Delicatessen
-Legal advice
